Welcome to Silver Lining Africa (SiLA)

Bringing Light to the Less Privileged

We exist to give hope to those who need it the most. We equally seek to restore peace in conflict-affected areas through training, funding, and mentorship. 

Ongoing Event

10 days of training to move you from Point A to Point B in your understanding of social media and how you could use it to foster positive peace or resolve conflict in your sphere!
So there’s this super interesting program you need to register for and attend all sessions if you’re primarily interested in Social Media Management or Content Creation for change and if you’re building a career in Peace and Conflict Resolution.
We’ve had the chance to travel the world to preach peace, act peace, and learn peace. That never came by chance, anyway. And, if you ask people like Ferdinant M. Sonyuy, Nsaibirni Warren Lee, Sah Terence Animbom, Bochum Samuel Bache, Asongwe Kassey Cleatine Chungong, and Beverly Ndifoin just to name a few, they’ll tell you the same thing. Knowledge acquisition through calculated planning, hard work, and persistence precedes sustainable success. There’s always a price to pay… like fully participating in this training upcoming!
Like one of my mentors, #MyronGolden, will say; “Mindset times Skillset times Toolset equals asset.”
It is time for you to boost your skillset and get useful in a more professional way to your community or organization, whether you’re a youth leader, CSO leader, activist, or academic.
This will also be an opportunity to network with the right people for exponential exploits. Then, you stand a chance to get your projects funded and followed up!
Registration is ongoing.
– First, join the WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/IRzEaUIaSJ8D6hP4l3yfwp
– Second, fill the Google Form to declare the precepts for your interest.
See you at the top! 🎯

About Us

Silver Lining Africa (SiLA)

We are a non-profit organization based in Cameroon, with authorization No. 38/E.29/1111/VOL.8/ALPAS of May 23, 2019. We exist to give hope to those who need it the most. Our beneficiaries come from all ten regions of Cameroon and communities in other African countries, and we train in the domains of leadership, peacebuilding, and entrepreneurship. We equally seek to restore peace in conflict-affected areas through training, funding, and mentorship. The major activities of the association since its creation in June 2015 have been:


Our Vision

We want to make the world a better place for all starting at the grassroots.

Our Mission

Relentlessly building peaceful, thriving communities and promoting valuable skill acquisition among the less privileged.

Our Beneficiaries

Youth Leaders and Youth Leading Impactful Initiatives

Women, Youths, Students, and Persons Living with Disabilities

IDPs Due to the Anglophone Crisis in Cameroon

Refugees and Victims of War

Orphans In and Out of Orphanages


Our Areas of Operation

In a developing country where everyone blindly craves to be employed by government, entrepreneurship shines the light on the less privileged. Based on this, we had to leverage our attention to these main areas.


What Some Beneficiaries Have To Say

There is no SiLA without testimonials that prove the work we have done so far. Here are a few reviews from some of the people we have worked with. Hope this inspires you!

After the Farm Entrepreneurship Bootcamp in November 2022, I started my tomato farm in the East Region. Big thanks to the skills I gained from experts at SiLA. I am a proud farmer today, and I use only organic fertilizers.
Magnus Fwen
IDP Beneficiary, F-EB
Through SiLA's entrepreneurship project I was able to start my own organic mushroom farm. Now I take care of mu university tuition without having to rely on anyone.
Nchanji Sandra
Beneficiary, F-EB
Through SiLA's entrepreneurship project I was able to start my own organic mushroom farm. Now I take care of mu university tuition without having to rely on anyone.
Nchanji Sandra
Beneficiary, F-EB
I am today a business owner and farmer due to leadership and entrepreneurship training Silver Lining Africa gave me, all for free. I am not just financially stable now, but I am peaceful with myself and with my neighbours. I have great skills in vegetable farming and I also help other SiLA beneficiaries sell their products in the market. Big THANKS
John A. Ayuk
IDP Beneficiary, F-EB

Entrepreneurship and Peacebuilding






SiLA Farm


SiLA Conference


Conflict Resolution Training


Meet Our Expert Team

Here are the main people taking care of “Silver Lining Africa and bringing it to life. Incase you want to be part of our team make sure you contact any of these people. 

Rudolf N. Nsang​

Executive Director

Aseneh Anjoh

Projects and Fundraising Officer

Ndzi Divine Njamshi

Peace and Conflict Specialist

Our Partners