International Training on Social Media Management and Peace & Conflict Transformation with SiLA and Average Mohamed Org.

Call for participation…

– 18 countries from o4 continents represented…
– 40+ beneficiaries per session

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10 days of training to move you from Point A to Point B in your understanding of social media and how you could use it to foster positive peace or resolve conflict in your sphere!

So there’s this super interesting program you need to register for and attend all sessions if you’re primarily interested in Social Media Management or Content Creation for change and if you’re building a career in Peace and Conflict Resolution.

We’ve had the chance to travel the world to preach peace, act peace, and learn peace. That never came by chance, anyway. And, if you ask people like Ferdinant M. Sonyuy, Nsaibirni Warren Lee, Sah Terence Animbom, Bochum Samuel Bache, Asongwe Kassey Cleatine Chungong, and Beverly Ndifoin just to name a few, they’ll tell you the same thing. Knowledge acquisition through calculated planning, hard work, and persistence precedes sustainable success. There’s always a price to pay… like fully participating in this training upcoming!

Like one of my mentors, #MyronGolden, will say; “Mindset times Skillset times Toolset equals asset.”

It is time for you to boost your skillset and get useful in a more professional way to your community or organization, whether you’re a youth leader, CSO leader, activist, or academic.

This will also be an opportunity to network with the right people for exponential exploits. Then, you stand a chance to get your projects funded and followed up!

Registration is ongoing.

– First, join the WhatsApp group:

– Second, fill the Google Form to declare the precepts for your interest.

See you at the top! 🎯





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